Katedra Energetyki Politechniki Krakowskiej

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HySOL Project: “High-performance hybrid solar system for generation of thermal and electrical energy applied for buildings” is a project financed by The National Centre for Research and Development within the framework of the II Competition Polish-German Cooperation for Sustainable Development ‒ STAIR.

Contract number: STAIR/9/2017 dated 30.11.2017

Contract Manager: Prof. Jan Taler, Ph.

Duration of the contract: 01.10.2017-30.09.2020


“High-performance hybrid solar system for generation of thermal and electrical energy applied for buildings.”

International consortium partners:

  1. Cracow University of Technology, www.pk.edu.pl, the project leader
  2. ELFRAN Franciszek Ścisłowicz, www.elfran.com.pl
  3. F.H.U. Urządzenia Chłodnicze Marek Czamara, www.czamara.net.pl
  4. Hamburg University of Technology, www.tuhh.de
  5. Perpendo Energie- und Verfahrenstechnik GmbH, www.perpendo.de

The HySOL project is developing a cooling and solar tracking system for hybrid solar systems, an innovative combination of photovoltaic panels and solar collectors.

The project’s proposed cooling technology and solar tracking system design for hybrid solar systems significantly increase the efficiency of converting solar energy into electricity and heat. The design of the developed solar tracking system was presented in an advertising spot promoting solar energy.

Reducing the temperature of photovoltaic panels, by installing a cooling system, allows increasing the efficiency of converting solar radiation into electricity. Therefore, the use of a cooling system allows the recovery and accumulation of heat from the working PV panels.
The cooling system of photovoltaic panels will be produced and commercialised by ELFRAN Franciszek Ścisłowicz. The project will also result in the design of a universal cooling module for various types of PV panels. The proposed cooling system will cooperate with the heat pump, which will significantly increase its efficiency. Additionally, excess heat energy in summer will be accumulated in the ground. This will improve the efficiency of the building heating system with a heat pump during the heating period.
The project includes both laboratory tests and tests of the proposed hybrid system on a real object, i.e. the building of the District Headquarters of the State Fire Service in Oświęcim (www.psposwiecim.pl). The tests performed on the pilot installation will allow to determine the energy efficiency of the new solution on a scale of one year.

The HySOL project partners on the German side, i.e., The Technical University of Hamburg and Perpendo GmbH are developing tools for the simulation of heating and electrical systems based on photovoltaic modules equipped with solar tracking and cooling systems, in addition to economic and life cycle analysis.
Optimisation and research on the development of new high-performance hybrid module designs as well as additional simulation and economic analysis tools will allow for faster development of the solar power industry in Poland. Through the introduced innovations and the increase of energy efficiency of Polish products, they will become more competitive in the European market