Katedra Energetyki Politechniki Krakowskiej

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Who are we?
The Science Club of Energy and Environmental Protection associates students interested in the issues of thermal energy (conventional and renewable) and environmental protection against the harmful effects of power plants and combined heat and power plants. We are a group of young and ambitious people who do not limit themselves to the “necessary minimum”, want to learn something more, develop and create.

What do we do?
The main goal of our Science Club is to broaden the knowledge in the above-mentioned fields, acquire practical skills (experimental work and computer modelling) and integrate the student community. We realise them through workshop meetings, seminars, conferences and scientific expeditions.

How to join us?
It is best to contact the supervisor of the Club, who will inform you about the next meeting.

Scientific supervisors:
Marek Majdak, MSc
tel.: +48 12 628 38 05
e-mail: marek.majdak@pk.edu.pl

Department of Energy Ś-2, building A of the campus in Czyżyny, 6th floor