Katedra Energetyki Politechniki Krakowskiej

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Areas of scientific and research interest of employees promoting diplomas in the faculty of Energy

Department of Energy (Ś-2)

1. Prof. Jan Taler, PhD, DSc
Inverse problems of heat conduction; measurement of heat flux and heat transfer coefficient; modelling of slagging and fouling processes of power boiler heating surfaces; dynamics of large steam boilers; numerical modelling of steam super-heaters in transient states; thermal stresses; monitoring of energy machinery and equipment including residual strength; heat exchangers; heat pumps; photovoltaic cells; renewable energy; renewable energy sources

2. Prof. Wiesław Zima, PhD, DSc
simulations of flow and heat phenomena occurring in the heating surfaces of power boilers; renewable energy in heating and ventilation installations; CFD simulations of heat exchange processes; design of networks and thermal centres; audit and energy characteristics of buildings; economic analysis of various heating systems and energy carriers

3. Associated Prof. Artur Cebula, PhD, DSc

4. Associated Prof. Sławomir Grądziel, PhD, DSc
calculation of the furnace chamber of the boiler, calculation of natural circulation and multiplicity of circulation in power boilers; stoichiometry of combustion and determination of calorific value of solid fuels; determination of heat penetration coefficient and pressure drops in smooth and internally ribbed pipes; thermal calculations of the boiler; use of renewable energy sources to cover the energy demand of single-family houses and public utility buildings

5. Associated Prof. Stanisław Łopata, PhD, DSc
research and calculations concerning energy machinery and equipment (boilers, turbines, heat exchangers, pipelines, etc.); heat exchange; safety and security of operation of energy equipment; forecasting the durability of pressure elements of energy equipment; measurements in thermal energy, including the design of equipment for special measurements (density of heat stream, flue gas temperature in the boiler chamber, etc.); tests and calculations concerning energy equipment (boilers, turbines, heat exchangers, pipelines, etc.); heat exchange; safety and security of operation of energy equipment; forecasting the durability of pressure elements of energy equipment; measurements in thermal energy, including the design of equipment for special measurements (density of heat stream, flue gas temperature in the boiler chamber, etc.).); creep testing of high-pressure pipelines; thermal bridges in power engineering; conventional and renewable power engineering in heating systems (design, analyses); energy performance of buildings; energy carriers; auxiliary equipment of power plants; legal issues in power engineering.

6. Associated Prof. Damian Muniak, PhD, DSc
7. Associated Prof. Paweł Ocłoń, PhD, DSc
determination of heat penetration coefficient in elliptical pipes for transition and turbulent flow; tests of water flow in the heat exchanger with elliptical pipes (for different inlet manifold configurations); numerical modelling of heat exchange processes in underground, underwater and overhead cable lines; modelling of heat exchange processes in cable lines; mathematical modelling of evaporation processes in finned vertical tubes; optimisation in thermal engineering; heat and heat analysis of high-performance heat exchangers; modelling of temperature distribution in the cooled blade of a gas turbine; design of cooling systems for photovoltaic panels; regulation of electric heating power for single-family buildings and optimisation of energy demand of a building; photovoltaic systems – heat pumps for residential and public buildings; numerical modelling of heat and flow processes in quickersim and Matlab programs (free convection, laminar flow, turbulent flow); application of heuristic algorithms (particle swarm method, genetic algorithms, java algorithm) in optimisation of working conditions of underground cable lines; numerical modelling of heat exchange in heat exchangers with ribbed elliptical tubes

8. Associated Prof. Bohdan Węglowski, PhD, DSc

9. Piotr Cisek, PhD
electrical storage heating; renewable energy sources; fuel cells and hydrogen technologies; water treatment for energy purposes

10. Anna Korzeń, PhD

11. Marzena Nowak-Ocłoń, PhD
heating networks and thermal centres; heating and ventilation installation projects using different heat sources for single-family, multi-family and public buildings; renewable energy sources; energy audit of buildings; economic analysis of various heating system solutions; heating of industrial and warehouse buildings

Department of Thermal Processes, Air Protection, and Waste Utilization (Ś-5)

1. Prof. Kazimierz Rup, Phd, DSc

2. Associated Prof. Piotr Dzierwa, PhD, DSc
strength analysis of boiler elements, coating structures and other power equipment (analysis of linear and non-linear phenomena, heat and strength, natural and forced vibrations, fatigue calculations); numerical modelling of flow processes and heat exchange; numerical modelling of wind turbines and their operating environment

3. Associated Prof. Magdalena Jaremkiewicz, PhD, DSc
Inverse problems of heat transfer; measurements of transient temperature; determination of heat transfer and overall heat transfer coefficients and heat flux in power plants; renewable energy sources (design of solar and photovoltaic systems)

4. Associated Prof. Tomasz Sobota, PhD, DSc
mathematical modelling and experimental studies of heat exchangers; identification of the actual operating conditions of energy machines and equipment (measurement of temperature, heat flux density, heat transfer and heat transfer coefficients, pollution emissions); nuclear power engineering; heat recovery in power units; possibility of revitalisation of coal-fired power plants; environmental protection in power engineering (technologies for reduction of harmful compounds emission to the atmosphere); renewable power engineering (wind and solar energy)

5. Associated Prof. Marcin Trojan, PhD, DSc
numerical modelling of heat exchangers (analysis of the influence of pollutants, geometric configurations, pipe spacing, etc. on the parameters of factors) – ANSYS CFX; energy-efficient and passive buildings with elements of intelligent building; analysis of possibilities of using renewable energy sources in multi-family buildings; projects of installations in buildings using renewable energy sources

6. Karol Kaczmarski, PhD